1. It is the responsibility of the parents to ensure the regularity and punctuality of their ward.
2. Children must arrive in school before the first bell in the morning which normally in summer is at 0715 hrs and in winter at 0745 hrs.
3. Late comers will not be allowed to enter the school. If late from home, please don't send your ward to school, to avoid the displeasure which either side has to face.
4. Mobile Phones, Pen Drives, CD/DVDs and Camera are STRICTLY NOT ALLOWED in school, under any circumstances. If any such item is found with student, it will be confiscated.
5. It is sincerely advised that students, should not carry any valuable/costly items in cl gold chains/rings/ornaments or any other article. School will not be responsible for any loss.
6. The Name, House/Admission Number, Class, Section of the student should be clearly marked on the belongings such as bags, blazers, jerseys, Tiffin boxes water bottles, etc. of the children.
7. Parents or other persons are not allowed to see their wards or interview the teacher during the school hours without explicit permission of the Principal. The members of staff should be seen preferable in the office room with the prior permission of the Principal.
8. School fee is required to be paid in the sesignated Bank. If the fee is not paid till the last working day of the quarter, the name of defaulter may be struck off from school register. The re-admission may be done by charging re-admission fee.
9. If a cheque deposited in the bank towards payment for any school dues is dishonoured for whatsoever reason including depositors bank error, a fine as applicable on the day of depositing the fee will be levied per transaction.
10. It is sincerely expected that Parents (both Mother and Father) will visit school in all Parent Teacher meetings and other open sessions organised by the School for dicussion on the performance of their ward.
11. Parents/Guardians are requested not to send their ward's tutor, relative or any rep that is not responsible for child's Education in the School. Such representatives will not be entertained, under any circumstances.
12. The student of school, being below 18 years of age, are strictly not allowed to come to school, in motorised vehicles, under any circumstances. Parents' co-operation is earnestly solicited not only to ensure their own child's safety but to inculcate a sense of responsibility to honour the rule of country.
13. Parents are requested to ensure that their child attend school in prescribed uniform only. Any child who is on regular roll of school should not be visiting the school in civil dress.
14. Parent's and guardians are requested not to appriach school teachers for private tuitions. It is structly advised to refrain from soliciting private tuitions from the bonafide teaching staff of the school. Those students found taking tuitions from bonafide staff of the school, appropriate disciplinary action will be initiated.
15. Children will nto be dispersed from the school with anybody other then the Parents/Guardians. In case , they are unable to come themselves, the nominated person must produce a written authority letter signed by the Parents/guardians.
16. Children attending school without proper uniform, untidy in person/dress, or boys with unkempt hair will not be allowed to attend classes.
17. If a child is caught using unfair means in any examination class test, he/she will be awarded a 'zero' in that particular examination.
18. Care must be taken of all properties as any damage caused by a student will be recovered from concerned students. Disciplinary action will be initiated and nometary fines may also be imposed from the offence.
19. Ragging/Bullying in any form is prohibited and will lead to the expulsion of the student.
20. In case the certificate/claims which are requested to certified for claims has to be signed, it should be left at the counter will proper applicable forms and collected after two working days. Photo copy of fee slips should be attached along with the fee claim. Parents/Guardians are requested not to insist on documentation on the same day.